Monday, November 7, 2011

A Cat, a Princess and a Shark

The Cat
Black sweatpants and black shirt - his closet
Tail - black dress sock of dads stuffed with grocery bags and pinned to pants
Mask - ears and eyes $1 at Michaels and nose egg carton with pipe cleaners left over from spiders

The Princess
Dress - mom's old flower girl dress
Belt - cardboard with jewels she glued on ($2 at Hobby Lobby)
Tiara - from her dress-up box
Wand - leftover trim from the kitchen cabinets decorated with tin foil star and other 
embellishments from the craft basket

The Shark
Sweater - hoodie from his closet
Teeth and Fin - $2 for felt squares at Michaels
Eyes - scraps and buttons

Lots of money left over to buy the important stuff....CANDY!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Egg Carton Spiders

Here's a project for the kids.  Mine (ages 4 and 5) actually picked out the book at the library, chose the project and then did most of it. My two-year-old just cut up extra egg cartons with scissors.
Here's how it works:
We used an old egg carton, some pipe cleaners and some markers or paint.  Cut out the individual egg sections and color or paint them. I don't recommend using markers as they (the kids and not the egg cartons) were covered in marker by the time we were done (also because we used styrofoam egg cartons), but we live and we learn!  Then cut two black pipe cleaners in half so that you have four short pieces.  Poke them through one side of the carton and back out through the other so that you have half sticking out one side and half sticking out the other.  Repeat with the other three until you have eight legs total.  Make a face on the front and then my daughter came up with the idea of putting "hats" on each of them....which works great if you want to hang them like we did!
These are really the only kind of spiders anyone would want in their house.  
Smiling spiders.  That never move.