Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chair Redo

I bought these chairs at Goodwill about two years ago.  I love the cane and the different colors of wood and the different, but similar looks.  I also loved that they matched a chair that I already had from a dumpster dive about six years before that (the last one pictured)!

But the cane was a bit brittle and in a short time I realized that I was going to have to either get rid of them or do something to salvage what was left of them. One of them is missing because it broke into a million pieces when my dad sat on it!
Enter some old throw pillows, my scrap fabric stash, and wood from our old kitchen cabinets and VOILA!!
They are much sturdier
and more comfortable
...and (if I do say so myself) just as pretty!
Which is always important.
We now have enough dining room chairs for our family without having to bring in the lawn chairs!
