Well, our garden for the summer is just about over, but it worked particularly well this year due to one major thing. A trellis:
And lots of helpers!
It just gets too darn hot here in the summer to grow anything. Well, that or its too hot to be outside long enough to water the garden in order for things to grow....but either way, last year's garden was a bust.
We built the garden up a bit this year and we planted some grapes outside of it which, of course, needed something to climb.
And then this handy guy I know (thank you Love!) built a trellis (all out of his own head) that gave us both a shade for the garden AND a trellis for the grapes. It looks really nice (I think he wanted to be in on the blog!).
Everything seemed to thrive. The melons (that I'm sure I never planted) managed to squeeze up through the top, but were none the worse for a little extra sun.
The lettuce and beans did great. The jalapenos and tomatoes put in a good showing, but the watermelon and cucumbers were still failures. Next year we're planting more of the mystery melon (we think it was honeydew) because it was delicious!
And hopefully in a couple of years the grapes will be producing. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
- Jen
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